
Disclaimer for Nimja Hypnosis

Nimja or Nimja Hypnosis is not responsible for any adverse effects resulting from the listening, viewing or reading of any of the material on this site.

The trust, consent, and interactions you engage in while using files do not transfer to me personally. I am not your dominant and will not become involved in a dynamic with you.

My content provides a fantasy, not a relationship.

This site contains adult fantasy material

Do not watch this if you are legally under-age in your viewing region.

The content on this site is erotic fetish fantasy, not reality.

Any similarities with reality are purely coincidental and any implications are only suggestions.

Your mind is your responsibility

Always keep in mind that, in the end, you are responsible for your own well-being.

Read more on your responsibility, and why

Many files on the site can cause feelings of obedience, arousal or other very pleasant feelings. Be mindful of how this could affect you.

Remember to take breaks, use moderation and check out the safety files and help page.

This is not therapy

This site contains recreational hypnosis, meant for consensual fun and enjoyment rather than therapy.

If you suffer from any disorders for which you are seeking relief, please contact appropriate health professionals.

Side-effects of hypnosis

Hypnosis/trance itself is a natural state, as safe and common as sleep and should similarly not be combined with driving. Physical reactions such as lowered heart-rate or blood pressure are quite normal.

During trance you are more open to suggestion and you can experience lowered judgement or awareness of your surroundings or self. Take this into account related to your own safety.

Sensitivity to Visuals

The visuals have varying degrees of intensity, flashing and other effects. People with epilepsy or migraines or otherwise sensitive to these should take care which ones to use. If you wish to be careful, open a visual in a small window before looking at it large.

Need to know more?

Privacy & security

From the beginning, I've tried to make sure that using this site is as pleasant and anonymous as possible. This is also why there is no comment section, analytics stuff or anything other than what you need to get to the files.

  • All actions on the site are logged temporarily and aggregated into daily totals per file, like download counts.
  • Only donations and patron support are kept, because taxes.
  • No third parties (analytics, advertisements, etc.) are used on the site.
  • Text entered in the interactive induction scripts is kept temporarily (3 months).

More on: safety and privacy and keeping my listeners safe.

Copyright & sharing

All content on this site is my property, you cannot re-sell, re-record, re-upload or modify the content without my explicit permission.

Visuals: You are allowed to use the visuals for your own non-profit work under these conditions:

  • Keep the watermark: "Nimja Hypnosis" visible in the final work.
  • Give credit: Have a link to https://hypno.nimja.com clearly visible in the final description of your work.
  • The work cannot be monetized: freely available, ads should be disabled, no sponsorships, etc.

If your work is intended for profit or is otherwise monetized, contact me.