Nimja Live Hypnosis

Some time until Nimja Live!

Official time: Pending...

13d 01:55:14 until Nimja Live Light!

Official time: 2025-04-06 22:00 Europe/Amsterdam

Nimja Live

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Live Light: Choose Theme

Only available for Gold and Silver Patreon supporters. Read more here.

Voting will start in 30 days.

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About Nimja Live

When is Nimja Live?

Nimja Live on YouTube is currently on hold.

When is Nimja Live Light?

Nimja Live Light for Patrons, via Discord, is the first Sunday of even months, 10pm European time.
For the exact time, you can see the information above!

Lighter, because...

What happens during a live event?

It takes about 1.5 hours, The basic structure of the live event is:

  • Introduction and discussing the theme
  • Hypnosis itself, induction, effect, fantasy, etc.
  • Q&A
Past Nimja Live Events

Last 10 Nimja Live Events

Live Light 37 - Alien Sex Shop Ending up at a strange, alien shop that sells deeply pleasurable devices of a strange nature. 24:47 - Various bizarre, very sexual experiences.
Live 88 - Limitless Bliss A wonderful moment, stretched out, again and again. 16:23 - Sweet bliss and time dilation.
Live Light 36 - Naga Embrace Hypnotized by a strange half human, half snake that drains your will and teases you within their coils. 19:09 - Constricted in snake-like coils, squeezed and rubbed.
Live 87 - Creepy Castle Entering a castle to brave a storm, you find yourself exploring and strangely trapped for a while. 24:44 - Story to become the new keeper.
Live 86 - Distorted Resistance A confusing game of resistance with changing rules and a cheating hypnotist. 22:17 - Very deep, intense, controlled trance.
Live Light 35 - Perverted Pill Trying out a pill at a convention has some interesting side-effects. 18:37 - Increasingly more taboo and perverted fantasies.
Live 85 - Sweet Sorbet Enjoy a cold, delicious dessert with various fruity flavors. 15:45 - Relaxing, cooling and refreshing.
Live 84 - Wild Wolf Bite In a glade you were not supposed to find, a wolf hunts you and makes you its pet. 26:39 - Trained as the pet of a wolf.
Live Light 34 - Held In Chains Caught after sneaking in, shackled, gagged, clothes cut away, chained to a wall. 20:26 - Senses taken away the longer you are chained.
Live 83 - Starlit Lookout Walk with me to a beautiful lookout where you fall asleep among the stars. 17:13 - Staring at stars until you drift to sleep.

Older Lives And More