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226 - Everyday Health

◎ 2,888 ▽ 5,611 - 2016-09-29Details
Description Improve your health and feel good about it too!
Intended Effect Background health improvement.

Experimental: AI-generated, based on the transcript.

The listener is encouraged to let the audio file play in the background while doing other things. He assures the listener that they do not have to consciously listen, and that their subconscious will pick up on his words. He talks about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including eating healthily, exercising, and moderating vices such as smoking and drinking. The listener is told that they don't have to actively listen or think about the words, but rather let them fade into the background and relax. He emphasizes positive reinforcement and not getting angry or disappointed with oneself. The listener is reminded to eat enough but not too much, exercise at least a little, and keep vices in moderation. He concludes by saying one more word before leaving.

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