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501 - Arousing Affirmations

◎ 7,401 ▽ 6,324 - 2019-04-23Details
Description Repeating positive affirmations is much more fun with a reward.
Intended Effect Internal acceptance rewarded with arousal.

Experimental: AI-generated, based on the transcript.

The listener is guided through a series of affirmations that are designed to create positive thoughts and feelings. He emphasizes the sensual and pleasurable nature of these affirmations, suggesting that the listener will experience sensations of arousal as they repeat the affirmations in their mind. The listener is encouraged to be both naughty and nice, and to enjoy the teasing and anticipation of the affirmations. The affirmations cover various topics such as learning from mistakes, enjoying moments of the day, accepting what cannot be changed, wanting to learn new things, wanting to improve, forgiving oneself, accomplishing goals, trusting in one's abilities, and believing in one's potential. He suggests that by repeating these affirmations, the listener will become a better, more sensitive, and more aroused person over time. The file ends with the listener being gradually brought back to full wakefulness, expressing confidence in their ability to do well.

CategoriesInduction, Effect
FeaturesParticipation, Arousal
DisclaimerThis is erotic fetish fantasy, not reality. Enjoy!
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