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513 - Nimja Incorporated Complaints Line

◎ 8,153 ▽ 7,723 - 2019-06-04Details
Description Allow us to help you if you have any complaints about our products or services.
Intended Effect Brainwashing support line.

Experimental: AI-generated, based on the transcript.

The listener calls the Nimja Incorporated Complaints Line to voice a complaint about one of their products or services. However, they are informed that the engineers are currently busy and it may take some time for someone to attend to their complaint. While they wait, the listener is encouraged to listen to a recording that describes the various services offered by Nimja Incorporated. The recording also suggests visiting a website for more information and questions about the effects of their products. The listener is told to pay full attention to the sounds on the track and relax while waiting for a response. Throughout the file, there are repeated mentions of relaxation, obedience, and the idea of entering a trance-like state. The listener is encouraged to feel time pass by easily and to surrender themselves to the commands and stimulation provided by the recording. The file ends by thanking the listener for calling and suggesting that they may feel nice regardless of whether they continue to listen or awaken from the trance.

FeaturesOpen ending, Amnesia, Arousal, Obedience
DisclaimerThis is erotic fetish fantasy, not reality. Enjoy!
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