July, 2015
Free in July, 2015
109 - Good Morning Hugs
Just a warm, gentle, simple way to wake up. Now with added hugs.
05:43 - Easy and comfortable waking up.
108 - Everyday Slut
Look at everyone, every gender. See the beauty and sexiness inside.
11:52 - Sexual liberation and enjoyment.
107 - Mirror Masturbation Release
Gaze into a mirror or your partner's eyes and join them in desire, with release.
15:19 - Masturbation for two people, or one with a mirror.
107 - Mirror Masturbation Denial
Gaze into a mirror or your partner's eyes and join them in desire, without release.
13:43 - Masturbation for two people, or one with a mirror.
106 - Mirror Induction
Gaze into a mirror or your partner's eyes and see them slowly go into a trance.
13:41 - Induction for two people, or one with a mirror.
104 - Everyday Focus
A background file to help you out with studying or practice.
12:28 - Enhanced focus.
101 - Brainwashing Experiment
Thank you for participating in this valuable experiment, please take a seat and relax.
21:28 - Deep, enjoyable trance.
Visuals in July, 2015